Inspection IDReason for InspectionInspection DateInspection Status 
SIN-00236674 Unannounced Monitoring 10/26/2023 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.16Individual #1 was transported to the Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) emergency department on the morning of 10/23/23 to have left side facial swelling and bruising examined. LVHN admitting information notes that "History is limited, Patient underwent CTH and CT Maxillofacial in the ED that showed extensive soft tissue swelling over the left face and temporal scalp, wo acute intracranial abnormality. No periodontal disease identified. Serum beta hCG value of 16. OBGYN was consulted in the ED who recommended trending the beta hCG. There was concern for possible sexual abuse/assault, so the ED consulted risk management, area of aging, and contacted police." Individual #1 was admitted to the hospital to ensure safety. LVHN hospital records indicate that beta hCG (BHCG) results are considered "Inconclusive: 5-25mIU/mL (Inconclusive results do not rule out pregnancy. If clinically warranted, repeat test in 48 hours.)" and "Before making a final diagnosis based on the elevated or repetitively inconclusive BHCG result, an additional BHCG, with the use of heterophilic antibody blocking mechanism (not FDA approved), may be indicated." Course of action was to retest. LVHN Clinical Summary document created on 10/27/23 noted that a BHCG with Heter Block was completed on 10/24/23 resulting in a level of 13mIU/ml(H). The subsequent Beta HCG, serum test completed on 10/25/23 noted results of a value of 11mIU/ml(H). BHCG completed on 10/27/23 resulted at a value of 4mIU/ml and no longer within the high range (H). Repeated tests indicate that a chemical pregnancy had occurred as documented on page 10 of 313 of the LVHN Encounter Summary Hospital notes which indicate that "Patient ID: [Individual #1] is a 24 y.o. female who presented to LVHN with Chemical pregnancy." Individual #1 Individual Support Plan (ISP) last updated on 12/6/23 notes them to be diagnosed with "Unspecified Intellectual Disabilities" and "Schizophrenia;" requiring "supervised by two staff at all times to ensure her health and safety." Individual #1 Program Assessment completed by Provider on 3/28/23 notes Individual #1 to be diagnosed with "Autistic Disorder, Moderate IDD" and "heavy menses" as well as "It should be noted that [Individual #1] does not menstrate." As evidenced by diagnosis and supervision required, Individual #1 is dependent upon the Provider for 24-hour care. Confirmation of a chemical pregnancy indicates that Individual #1 was raped and abused while under Provider's care.Abuse of an individual is prohibited. Abuse is an act or omission of an act that willfully deprives an individual of rights or human dignity or which may cause or causes actual physical injury or emotional harm to an individual, such as striking or kicking an individual; neglect; rape; sexual molestation, sexual exploitation or sexual harassment of an individual; sexual contact between a staff person and an individual; restraining an individual without following the requirements in this chapter; financial exploitation of an individual; humiliating an individual; or withholding regularly scheduled meals.Agency took immediate action for the safety of the individual upon notification, following ODP guidelines. Individual was at the hospital in patient for further hormone testing to result in a definitive diagnosis. Agency staff were fully separated from the Individual and the required Area Police and Adult Protective Services were notified of the allegation and ongoing testing by medical staff. The agency proceeded with our investigation when cleared so as not to interfere with the Police and Adult Protective Services activities. Prior to admission to this agency the individual resided solely in a home where 2 male staff were regularly scheduled as the individual had a significant amount of physical-behavioral issues. When the individual came to this agency the practice was continued and female staff were introduced as the individuals physical behaviors allowed. -Agency practice now reflects that only female staff will work with female individuals should physical behaviors be present the agency will insure a female staff is present with the female individual at all times. -Agency has increased the number of unannounced visits to every home at various times of the day as well as varying days of a 7 day week. -Agency has installed cameras at the homes with notifications to the assigned Residential Director for that home. Monitoring of the camera activity is conducted regularly. -Agency staff has been retrained on; Incident Management definitions and reporting which includes sexual abuse, Individual Rights, the elevation of Body Charting needs to Residential Directors immediately, When to call 911 without hesitation to insure immediate medical care to individuals, When to transport individuals for urgent care or ER visits ensuring timely medical treatment. 01/03/2024 Implemented
6400.21(a)Records indicate that Staff #22 has a hire date of 9/1/23. There was no documentation of a Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) criminal check being completed until 12/4/23 which is outside of the allowed time frame. Records indicate that Staff #26 has a hire date of 7/10/23. There was no documentation of a PSP criminal check being completed until 12/5/23 which is outside of the allowed time frame.An application for a Pennsylvania criminal history record check shall be submitted to the State Police for prospective employes of the home who will have direct contact with individuals, including part-time and temporary staff persons who will have direct contact with individuals, within 5 working days after the person's date of hire. The agency has retrained the HR staff for record retention and always providing a Pa State Police check despite the existence of an FBI check in the staff records. 01/03/2024 Implemented
6400.32(c)Individual #1 was transported to the Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) emergency department on the morning of 10/23/23 to have left side facial swelling and bruising examined. A review of Shift Notes and Body Charts from 10/16/23 through 10/23/23 noted the following: Shift notes completed by Staff #3 and Staff #17 for the overnight shift from 10/16 into 10/17 indicate that she slept through the night and woke up with "blood on her right ear." Shift note completed by staff Staff #3 and Staff #17 for the overnight shift from 10/17 into 10/18 recorded that "When staff woke (them) for shower (they) started blinking (their) eyes and it was bleeding. Staff gave (them) shower the bleeding stopped." Shift note completed by staff Staff #17 for the overnight shift from 10/18 into 10/19 recorded that "(They) was hitting and punching (Their) head also both ears, right ear bleeding. (They) was screaming until end of shift. Redirected to stop, but (They) refused to stop. Right ear bleeding." Shift notes completed by the day Staff #21 and Staff #4 on 10/19/23 noted that "(They) was bleeding from (their) ear by hitting (themself.)" Shift notes completed by Staff #17 and Staff #3 for overnight shift from 10/19 into 10/20 indicated that "(They) developed swollen black eye on (Their) left eye." Overnight shift notes completed by Staff #17 and Staff #3 from 10/22 into 10/23 noted that "[Individual #1] was awake in (their) room, (they) was screaming, staff checked on (them) to tell (them) to stop." Individual #1 was noted to display additional signs and symptoms of illness/injury by stating "pain" on 10/20/23, 10/22/23 and 10/23/23. Ibuprofen was administered. No further treatment was sought. Despite injuries noted of a bleeding eye, bleeding ear, a swollen black eye, excessive screaming and stating pain from 10/16/23 through 10/23/23 there were no notations that first aid or further treatment had been provided. Additionally, the Behavioral Support Plan (BSP) dated 8/7/23 for Individual #1 notes that "[Individual #1] has a very high pain threshold, meaning (they) is not as sensitive to pain as the average person; therefore, (they) must be supervised to assist (them) in keeping (themselves) safe." Failure to acknowledge/recognize symptoms of illness/injury such that the individual displays signs or symptoms of illness/injury and they are not recognized which causes a failure to seek prompt treatment is evidence that neglect has occurred.An individual may not be abused, neglected, mistreated, exploited, abandoned or subjected to corporal punishment.To ensure staff provide the immediate care for individuals with medical needs such as bleeding and injury we have enacted the following measures; -Agency has increased the number of unannounced visits to every home at various times of the day as well as varying days of a 7 day week. -Agency has installed cameras at the homes with notifications to the assigned Residential Director for that home. Monitoring of the camera activity is conducted regularly. -Agency staff has been retrained on; Incident Management definitions and reporting which includes sexual abuse, Individual Rights, the elevation of Body Charting needs to Residential Directors immediately, When to call 911 without hesitation to insure immediate medical care to individuals, When to transport individuals for urgent care or ER visits ensuring timely medical treatment. 01/03/2024 Implemented
6400.32(d)Provider staff "Shift Notes" from the midnight to 8am shift on 10/19/23 completed by Staff #17 indicate that "was hitting and punching (their) head also both ears, right ear bleeding. (They) was screaming until the end of the shift. Redirected to stop, but (they) refused to stop." By only providing redirection to stop screaming and not offering additional support Staff #17 did not ensure that Individual #1's basic needs for well-being were met nor ensure that Individual #1 was free from emotional harm; an essential component to ensuring that respectful and dignified treatment is provided.An individual shall be treated with dignity and respect.To ensure that every Individual is treated with dignity and respect the agency has enacted the following measures; -Agency has increased the number of unannounced visits to every home at various times of the day as well as varying days of a 7 day week. -Agency has installed cameras at the homes with notifications to the assigned Residential Director for that home. Monitoring of the camera activity is conducted regularly. -Agency staff has been retrained on; Incident Management definitions and reporting which includes sexual abuse, Individual Rights, the elevation of Body Charting needs to Residential Directors immediately, When to call 911 without hesitation to insure immediate medical care to individuals, When to transport individuals for urgent care or ER visits ensuring timely medical treatment. 01/03/2024 Implemented
6400.32(h)On 10/23/23 Individual #1 was evaluated and treated at Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) for bruising and swelling of the left side of their face with an undetermined origin. Bloodwork completed from 10/23/23- 10/27/23 revealed decreasing levels of BHCG indicating that a nonviable chemical pregnancy had occurred. As a care dependent person receiving services from the Provider Individual #1's right to privacy of person was violated by an undetermined staff member during the sexual assault and rape committed upon them.An individual has the right to privacy of person and possessions.To ensure that every Individual has the right to privacy of person and possessions the agency has enacted the following measures; -Agency has increased the number of unannounced visits to every home at various times of the day as well as varying days of a 7 day week. -Agency has installed cameras at the homes with notifications to the assigned Residential Director for that home. Monitoring of the camera activity is conducted regularly. -Agency staff has been retrained on; Incident Management definitions and reporting which includes sexual abuse, Individual Rights, the elevation of Body Charting needs to Residential Directors immediately, When to call 911 without hesitation to insure immediate medical care to individuals, When to transport individuals for urgent care or ER visits ensuring timely medical treatment. 01/03/2024 Implemented
6400.166(b)The October Medication Administration Records (MAR) for Individual #1 includes documentation that Staff #18 administrated a dose of Ibuprofen 200mg on 10/20/23 as indicated by their initials. Staff #18 failed to document the time that the medication was administered. The Ibuprofen MAR directions are "Take 1 tablet by mouth every 6 hours as needed for mild pain." Entering the time of administration was necessary for proper documentation of the administration.The information in subsection (a)(12) and (13) shall be recorded in the medication record at the time the medication is administered.The agency retrained the staff as to the entry of the actual clock time that a PRN is administered as per the Medication Administration requirements. 01/03/2024 Implemented
6400.193(b)(1)There is no evidence that the Provider attempted to try techniques less intrusive than tying Individual #1's sleeves together. The Behavioral Support Plan dated 8/7/23 and related behavior tracking documentation implemented for Individual #1 did not include documentation of the attempts to anticipate and de-escalate the behavior using methods of intervention less intrusive than restrictive procedures.For each incident requiring restrictive procedures: Every attempt shall be made to anticipate and de-escalate the behavior using methods of intervention less intrusive than restrictive procedures.The agency will ensure that staff anticipate and de-escalate behavior and that the least restrictive interventions are always employed for individuals in our care by providing clear directives to caregivers/DSP's and clear communication and documentation with all involved parties. The agency staff reported that the individual could release herself from her sleeves. This had been discussed at Behavior meetings and ISP meetings. The agency will insure that are plans are clearly written and in compliance with the regulatory requirements so as not to be provided in a restrictive fashion or construed as a restrictive procedure in any fashion. 01/03/2024 Implemented
6400.193(b)(2)The Behavioral Support Plan (BSP) dated 8/7/23 currently implemented for Individual #1 did not include documentation of less restrictive techniques and resources appropriate to the behavior that had been tried but have failed prior to the implementation of the restrictive procedure.For each incident requiring restrictive procedures: A restrictive procedure may not be used unless less restrictive techniques and resources appropriate to the behavior have been tried but have failed.The agency will ensure that staff anticipate and de-escalate behavior and that the least restrictive interventions are always employed for individuals in our care by providing clear directives to caregivers/DSP's and clear communication and documentation with all involved parties. The agency staff reported that the individual could release herself from her sleeves. This had been discussed at Behavior meetings and ISP meetings. The agency will ensure that our plans are clearly written and in compliance with the regulatory requirements so as not to be provided in a restrictive fashion or construed as a restrictive procedure in any fashion. 01/03/2024 Implemented
6400.194(a)Individual #1's October 5, 2023 Individual Plan reads: "During a behavioral episode, one can ask [Individual #1] for 'safe hands.' She understands this prompt and will fold her hands in front or back to instruct staff to 'tie the sleeves just beyond her hands' and become calm." The Behavioral Support Plan (BSP) for Individual #1 does not define the act of tying the sleeves as restrictive and therefore the Provider did not proceed through the proper approvals of a human rights team prior to implementing the restrictive procedure. Tying Individual #1's sleeves together is a restrictive procedure in that it limits the individual's movement, activity, and function. A human rights team was not used to review or approve this practice.If a restrictive procedure is used, the home shall use a human rights team. The home may use a county mental health and intellectual disability program human rights team that meets the requirements of this section.The agency will employ the use of a Human Rights Team for any and all restrictive procedures. The agency staff reported that the individual could release herself from her sleeves. This had been discussed at Behavior meetings and ISP meetings. The agency will insure that are plans are clearly written and in compliance with the regulatory requirements so as not to be provided in a restrictive fashion or construed as a restrictive procedure in any fashion. 01/03/2024 Implemented
6400.195(a)Individual #1's August 7, 2023 Behavior Support Plan reads: "···the occupational therapist approved the act of tying [Individual #1]'s sleeves upon (their) request. When wearing a shirt with long sleeves, [the individual] will pull the sleeves just far enough past (their) hands to allow staff to tie the cuffs together. [The individual] is able to tie (their) sleeves by (themself.) Sometimes (they) wants (their) hands behind (their) back and will step through the loop. The act of tying the cuffs of (their) sleeves together when requested is not a restriction and has been recommended by (their) most recent sensory evaluator. If [the individual] wants to be untied (they) is able to remove (their) hands from (their) sleeves and untie them. Sometimes the knot is really tight and (they) will ask for help." Administrative review of documentation referenced concluded that the act staff tying the sleeves and Individual #1 requiring assistance to untie the sleeves at times, constitutes a restrictive procedure.For each individual for whom a restrictive procedure may be used, the individual plan shall include a component addressing behavior support that is reviewed and approved by the human rights team in § 6400.194 (relating to human rights team), prior to use of a restrictive procedures.The agency will employ the use of a Human Rights Team for any and all restrictive procedures. The agency staff reported that the individual could release herself from her sleeves. This had been discussed at Behavior meetings and ISP meetings. The agency will insure that are plans are clearly written and in compliance with the regulatory requirements so as not to be provided in a restrictive fashion or construed as a restrictive procedure in any fashion. 01/03/2024 Implemented
6400.207(5)(I)As documented in the Behavioral Support Plan (BSP) dated 8/7/23 for Individual #1 staff engage in tying Individual #1's sleeves together. Administrative review concludes that staff tying Individual #1's sleeves together such that she cannot or may not release herself constitutes the use of a mechanical restraint and is prohibited by regulation.A mechanical restraint, defined as a device that restricts the movement or function of an individual or portion of an individual's body. A mechanical restraint includes a geriatric chair, a bedrail that restricts the movement or function of the individual, handcuffs, anklets, wristlets, camisole, helmet with fasteners, muffs and mitts with fasteners, restraint vest, waist strap, head strap, restraint board, restraining sheet, chest restraint and other similar devices. A mechanical restraint does not include the use of a seat belt during movement or transportation. A mechanical restraint does not include a device prescribed by a health care practitioner for the following use or event: Post-surgical or wound care.The agency prohibits the use of mechanical restraints. The agency staff reported that the individual could release herself from her sleeves. This had been discussed at Behavior meetings and ISP meetings. The agency will insure that are plans are clearly written and in compliance with the regulatory requirements so as not to be provided in a restrictive fashion or construed as a restrictive procedure in any fashion. 01/03/2024 Implemented
SIN-00229422 Unannounced Monitoring 07/12/2023 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.62(a)Individual #1 Assessment dated 3-28-23 indicates that Individual #1 "Poisons are locked personal care items not locked" and Individual Support Plan (ISP) last updated on 7/10/23 notes that "[Individual #1] does not fully understand the dangers posed by poisonous substances; therefore all such substances and cleaning products are locked." Poisons were found unlocked in the basement and bathroom of the home at time of inspection. Lysol power cleaning gel and Ajax with bleach were unlocked in the bathroom sink cabinet. The Lysol label contains directions to "call Poison Control Center or doctor immediately for treatment advice" if swallowed or if in eyes. Directions on the Ajax indicate "seek medical attention" if ingested. There were approximately 12 gallons of paint, two five-gallon buckets of paint and approximately six quarts of paint from various makers unlocked in the basement where a few of Individual #1's sensory items were found on the floor. Paint labels had various warnings such as "If swallowed get medical attention immediately" and "If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or label." Poisonous substances must be locked in the home.Poisonous materials shall be kept locked or made inaccessible to individuals. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been re educated in the principals of locking all Poisons to include the paint, cleaning items etc. Staff were re educated to not leave items unlocked at any time. The agency has Supervisory and Director level audits with an increase of frequency to include unannounced auditing. 07/12/2023 Implemented
6400.64(a)The toothbrush identified by Staff #15 as belonging to Individual #1 was found lying unprotected against packages of individual wipes in the bathroom closet.Clean and sanitary conditions shall be maintained in the home. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been re educated in the principals of clean and sanitary conditions through storage of individuals personal care items. The agency has Supervisory and Director level audits with an increase of frequency to include unannounced auditing. 07/12/2023 Implemented
6400.67(a)The ceiling lights in the two spare bedrooms of the home did not have the necessary covering over the lightbulbs. The ceiling fan and light in Individual #1's bedroom did not have a covering for the lightbulbs in the hanging fixture and was missing a bulb. The metal piece that covers the hole in the kitchen ceiling where the light fixture hangs was loose and hanging on the chain. The metal covering of the heat on the living room front wall of the home was bent on the right side. The left end piece of this same heat register was bent and askew.Floors, walls, ceilings and other surfaces shall be in good repair. The agency has replaced the 2 spare bedroom light fixtures, the individuals light fixture, replaced the missing bulb, repaired the metal hanging plate in the kitchen, and repaired the heating element covers to align and cover the heat conductors properly. 07/27/2023 Implemented
6400.67(b)The HVAC unit for the home is located in the upstairs recreation room occasionally visited by Individual #1. The HVAC unit was recessed in the wall but without covering to ensure the safety of Individual #1. Electrical wires and other mechanical workings of the unit were easily accessible causing a potential hazard. Floors, walls, ceilings and other surfaces shall be free of hazards.The HVAC Unit panel has been secured in the home. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been re educated in the principals of hazards being properly addressed in the home including the open HVAC unit. Staff were re educated to check for this panel and be sure it is not open. The agency has Supervisory and Director level audits with an increase of frequency to include unannounced auditing. 07/12/2023 Implemented
6400.70The telephone for the home is located in the upstairs recreation area. The telephone was not operable at the time of the inspection.A home shall have an operable, noncoin-operated telephone with an outside line that is easily accessible to individuals and staff persons. The agency has the telephone in working order. 07/13/2023 Implemented
6400.71At time of inspection there were no emergency numbers located next to the phone in the home as required.Telephone numbers of the nearest hospital, police department, fire department, ambulance and poison control center shall be on or by each telephone in the home with an outside line. The agency has taped the 911 emergency phone number to the phone itself. 07/13/2023 Implemented
6400.76(a)The paint on the surface of the only dining table in the home was flaking and peeling leaving small particles of paint on the surface as well as items laid upon the surface. At time of inspection Individual #1 was witnessed eating breakfast during which they would eat with their hands, place hands on the surface of the table and begin eating again. The chipping paint creates a hazard to Individual #1. Furniture and equipment shall be nonhazardous, clean and sturdy. The agency has replaced the table with a table with a safe surface. 07/15/2023 Implemented
6400.81(k)(6)No mirror was found in Individual #1's bedroom. No documentation to explain or justify the absence of the mirror was found in the individual's Individual Support Plan (ISP.)In bedrooms, each individual shall have the following: A mirror. The agency has provided a mirror that is attached to the wall and not made of glass due to the individual previously damaging the previous mirrors provided in the home. This eliminates the potential of a safety hazard for the individual when causing property destruction. 07/12/2023 Implemented
6400.101At time of inspection the single door exit on the left side of the enclosed back porch of the home was locked with a pad lock and blocked by a outdoor lounge chair. All egresses from the home shall remain unobstructed.Stairways, halls, doorways, passageways and exits from rooms and from the building shall be unobstructed. The agency removed the lock from the door and re educated staff as to the regulation for obstructed egress at every door. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight and increased the frequency of on site audits at the home to include unannounced. 07/13/2023 Implemented
6400.181(a)Assessment dated 3/28/23 for Individual #1 notes that "[Individual #1] Steven has limited verbal skills, and uses gestures to make his needs known." This statement uses the wrong name and gender as well as inaccurate description of skill level when describing the verbal skills for Individual #1. In the "Communication" section of the 3/28/23 assessment for Individual #1 it is marked a "1" or "unable" for "Is verbal." This rating would not be correct as Individual #1 has limited, but understandable, speech. Providers must develop assessments that are meaningful, accurate and useful. Each individual shall have an initial assessment within 1 year prior to or 60 calendar days after admission to the residential home and an updated assessment annually thereafter. The initial assessment must include an assessment of adaptive behavior and level of skills completed within 6 months prior to admission to the residential home. The agency assessment has been corrected to name, gender and speech rating. The agency is utilizing a cross audit process of Director's auditing homes, other than their own regularly assigned homes, to ensure proper documentation and protocols are in place. 08/20/2023 Implemented
6400.214(b)The assessment dated 3/28/22 for Individual #1 located in the home at the time of monitoring on 7/12/23 was not the most current copy. Upon request an additional assessment for Individual #1 dated 3/28/23 was produced. The assessment in the home shall be the most current. The most current copies of record information required in § 6400.213(2)¿(14) shall be kept at the residential home. The agency home copy was retrieved from the office and placed in the home as required. The agency is utilizing a cross audit process of Director's auditing homes, other than their own regularly assigned homes, to ensure proper documentation and protocols are in place. 07/13/2023 Implemented
6400.18(b)(2)Individual #1 is prescribed the birth control "Blisovi FE Tab 1/20 Take 1 tablet by mouth daily" which is packaged in a manner that denotes the day of the week each tablet is to be taken on and contains 28 tablets in four rows of seven tablets. At time of inspection on Wednesday, 7/12/23 the package in use had been filled on 6/15/23 and started on Sunday 6/18/23. There were six tablets remaining in the packet. The first row of tablets contained a tablet in the MON 6/19/23 blister and a tablet in the SAT 6/24/23 blister. The second row contained a tablet in the SUN 6/25/23 blister. The third row was empty and the fourth row contained three tablets in the THU, FRI and SAT blisters to be administered on 7/13, 7/14 and 7/15/23. There were no notations on the Medication Administration Record (MAR) to indicate a reason for the missed doses of medication. All doses had been initialed as though administered on the MAR. Medication errors, such as failure to administer a medication, must be reported within 72 hours.The home shall report the following incidents, alleged incidents and suspected incidents through the Department's information management system or on a form specified by the Department within 72 hours of discovery by a staff person: A medication error as specified in § 6400.166 (relating to medication errors), if the medication was ordered by a health care practitioner.The agency has filed an EIM in the Commonwealth's HCSIS platform for this specific incident. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been re educated in the principals of proper medication administration and management through supervisor's audit on site and to increase that audit frequency. We have purchased an eHR that includes an e MAR. That system is due to begin on September 18, 2023. 08/20/2023 Implemented
6400.32(c)Provider neglected to ensure the proper staffing support for Individual #1 on the evening of 7/9/23 leading into 7/10/23 which resulted in Individual #1 leaving the home unsupervised and being found near a traffic light on front of the home. Provider reports indicate that Staff #10 and Staff #13 were scheduled for the 12:00am until 8:am shift but Staff #13 called off for the shift. It could not be determined who Staff #13 notified that they would not be in attendance nor who was responsible for ensuring proper staffing. Attendance records indicate that Staff #1 and Staff #5 were at the home until Staff #5 departed the home at 11:59pm leaving Staff #1 at the home alone and not in compliance. Staff #10 arrived at the home at 12:31am and Staff #1 left at 12:36am leaving only Staff #10 at the home alone and not in compliance. Staff #10 then fell asleep at an undetermined time allowing Individual #1 to elope from the home where she was later found in wet clothing and near a signaled intersection by a member of the community. Provider was neglectful in not ensuring proper staffing at the home for Individual #1. At time of inspection on 7/12/23 at approximately 9:05am Provider neglected to ensure proper staffing support as only one Provider staff was at the home providing supervision to Individual #1. Staff #4 arrived at the home at approximately 9:55am; the home was then providing the proper 2:1 staffing ratio required. Individual #1 has the right to be free from neglect. At time of inspection an expired blister pack of Lorazepam 2mg was found in use and in the medication box belonging to Individual #1. The expiration date on the pharmacy label of the Lorazepam was 1/26/23. Documentation on the blister pack indicates that the medication in the #16 blister was administered on 3/3/23 and the medication in the #15 blister was administered on 5/23. Pills in the #14-#9 blisters appear to have been popped after the #15 on 5/23 however the blisters lacked dates and initials. Staff were neglectful in administering the expired medication potentially exposing Individual #1 to harm on 3/3/23, 5/23 and possibly six additional times.An individual may not be abused, neglected, mistreated, exploited, abandoned or subjected to corporal punishment.The agency has increased the frequency of Director's audits to include monitoring of staff in home clock in's and additional phone checks as another layer of staff counts and attendance. The agency has implemented email print outs and retention of ISP changes and updates to ensure proper care and up to date protocols are presented to the staff. The agency has audited the homes operations for medication administration, documentation and disposal of expired medications. Corrections to the medications were taken by correcting the MAR information, disposing of expired medications and re educating the staff as to locking the medications administering medications and documenting administration of medications immediately. 07/13/2023 Implemented
6400.32(r)At the time of inspection on 7/12/23 there was no lock on Individual #1's bedroom door. Individual #1's Assessment dated 3/28/23 states that Individual #1 has "refused a lock on their bedroom door and does not wish to have a lock on their bedroom door." However, a declination of the lock or indication of team discussion of the necessity of a lock was not included in Individual #1's Individual Support Plan.An individual has the right to lock the individual's bedroom door.Agency has replaced the current door lock and a key is provided to the staff and administration in order to prevent any incident of the individual locking themselves in the room. The individual does not have the capability to understand the use of a key but has potential to lock themselves in the room as they are familiar with using a door handle and lock. 07/12/2023 Implemented
6400.45(d)Investigation conducted by Licensing Representative (LR) determined that Individual #1 eloped from their home on 7/10/23 and was found near the traffic light at the end of the driveway of the home unsupervised at approximately 7:33am when the 911 call was received by authorities. LR investigation determined that only one staff person was present at the home from 12:36am until 8:00am when Staff #2 arrived for their scheduled shift. It was also determined that management Staff #7 arrived just prior to Staff #2. The Individual Support Plan (ISP) for Individual #1 last updated on 7/10/23 notes the supervision level required for Individual #1's safety to be "is supervised at a 2:1 ratio at all times to ensure their health and safety. When [Individual #1] is in common areas of the home they needs to be within eye sight. When [Individual #1] is in their bedroom staff need to be within auditory range of them, and do 15 minute visual checks to maintain their safety." The staffing ratio as specified in Individual #1's plan was not implemented as written at the time of Individual #1's elopement. At time of inspection 7/12/23 LR arrived at the home at approximately 9:05am. Only Staff #2 was present until the arrival of Staff #4 at approximately 9:55am. The required 2:1 staffing was not in place during this timeframe. Staff ratio as specified in the individual plan shall be implemented as written.The staff qualifications and staff ratio as specified in the individual plan shall be implemented as written, including when the staff ratio is greater than required under subsections (a), (b) and (c ).The agency has increased the frequency of Director's audits to include monitoring of staff in home clock in's and additional phone checks as another layer of staff counts and attendance. The agency has implemented email print outs and retention of ISP changes and updates to ensure proper care and up to date protocols are presented to the staff. 07/12/2023 Implemented
6400.51(b)(5)Individual #1 has a behavioral support plan (BSP) in place that was most recently updated on 8/10/22. Records of training on the BSP submitted for Individual #1 did not document that initial orientation training of the essential job-reated knowledge and skills such as the BSP for Individual #1 occurred for Staff #8 hire date 1/31/23 or Staff #11 hire date 6/14/23. Records of training on the Individual Support Plan (ISP) submitted for Individual #1 did not document that initial orientation training of the essential job-reated knowledge and skills such as the ISP for Individual #1 occurred for Staff #8 hire date 1/31/23, Staff #10 hire date 8/8/22 and Staff #11 hire date 6/14/23. Training on job-related knowledge and skills such as the ISP and BSP is required.The orientation must encompass the following areas: Job-related knowledge and skills.These staff have been trained in the proper BSP by the agency. 08/07/2023 Implemented
6400.163(d)Individual #1's medications are kept in a pantry closet in the kitchen of the home. The pantry closet door was unlocked upon arrival and remained unlocked during the inspection. The pad lock used to secure the medications remained sitting on the side counter in the kitchen. The controlled substances in the home were presented in a small black box with a cylinder type numerical lock. After reviewing, the medications were placed into the box, the lid shut and the lock closed. Staff #2 quickly stated that the locking device did not work and was concerned that the box would not be able to be opened again. Staff #2 shook the box and the lid popped open. Staff #2 then explained and demonstrated how the locking device on the box does not work leaving the controlled substances not double locked.Prescription medications and syringes, with the exception of epinephrine and epinephrine auto-injectors, shall be kept in an area or container that is locked.The medications are properly locked according to the regulatory requirements of single and double locking. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been instructed to immediately report any and every issue in the home that is not in compliance with the regulations. The staff have been re educated in the principals of proper medication administration including auditing for medication expiration dates, and contacting the pharmacy for needed refills of that medication, and management through supervisor's audit on site and to increase that audit frequency. 07/13/2023 Implemented
6400.163(h)A blister pack of Lorazepam 2mg "Take 1 tablet by mouth as needed 1 hour prior to any kind of medical appointment" was located with Individual #1's medications at the time of inspection on 7/12/23. The expiration date listed on the pharmacy label on the blister pack in use was 1/26/23. The expired medication remained in Individual #1's medication box after it had expired and was not disposed of in a safe manner according to applicable Federal and State statutes and regulations.Prescription medications that are discontinued or expired shall be destroyed in a safe manner according to Federal and State statutes and regulations.The expired medication was properly disposed of by the Director. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been re educated in the principals of proper medication administration including auditing for medication expiration dates, and contacting the pharmacy for needed refills of that medication, and management through supervisor's audit on site and to increase that audit frequency. 07/12/2023 Implemented
6400.166(a)(11)The diagnosis or purpose for each medication was not included with each medication entry on the July 2023 Medication Administration Record (MAR) for Individual #1. The bottom of the July 2023 MAR contained a section noted as "Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder; Intermittent Explosive Disorder; Moderate IDD." The following medications were noted on the MAR without the diagnosis or purpose: Quetiapine Tab 400mg, Trazodone 300mg, Divalproex 500mg, Lactulose SOL 10mg and Mirtazapine 15mg.A medication record shall be kept, including the following for each individual for whom a prescription medication is administered: Diagnosis or purpose for the medication, including pro re nata.The agency has corrected the MAR to include the reason for each medication listed on the MAR. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been re educated in the principals of proper medication administration and management through supervisor's audit on site and to increase that audit frequency. We have purchased an eHR that includes an e MAR. That system is due to begin on September 18, 2023. 07/13/2023 Implemented
6400.166(b)The July 2023 Medication Administration Record (MAR) for Individual #2 did not contain the initials of the person administering the following medications: Quetiapine 400 mg: 8pm 7/1/23 and 8pm 7/10/23, Trazadone 300mg: 8pm on 7/1/23 and 8pm on 7/10/23, Lactulose SOL 10mg: 8pm on 7/1/23, Mirtazapine Tab 15mg: 8pm on 7/1/23, 7/2/23 and 7/3/23. The July 2023 MAR did not contain notation that the medication had not been administered as prescribed.The information in subsection (a)(12) and (13) shall be recorded in the medication record at the time the medication is administered.The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been re educated in the principals of proper medication administration including signing the MAR after administration of medication. The management, through supervisor's audit on site has to increased in frequency. We have purchased an eHR that includes an e MAR. That system is due to begin on September 18, 2023. The eMAR's can be monitored remotely from outside of the home. 07/13/2023 Implemented
6400.167(a)(1)Individual #1 is prescribed the birth control "Blisovi FE Tab 1/20 Take 1 tablet by mouth daily" which is packaged in a manner that denotes the day of the week each tablet is to be taken on and contains 28 tablets in four rows of seven tablets. At time of inspection on Wednesday, 7/13/23 the package in use had been filled on 6/15/23 and started on Sunday 6/18/23. There were six tablets remaining in the packet. The first row of tablets contained a tablet in the MON blister and a tablet in the SAT blister. The second row contained a tablet in the SUN blister. The third row was empty and the fourth row contained three tablets in the THU, FRI and SAT blisters. The June 2023 Medication Administration Record (MAR) for Individual #1 included staff initials in the appropriate slots to indicate administration of the medication although the medication remained in the blister pack for the 6/19/23, 6/24/23 and 6/25/23 doses. The June 2023 MAR did not contain a notation that the medication was refused or not administered as prescribed. The medication was not administered on 6/19, 6/24 and 6/25/23 as evidenced by the pills remaining in the blister pack.Medication errors include the following: Failure to administer a medication.The medication was audited and counted for compliance with disposal as needed of by the Director. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been re educated in the principals of proper medication administration including the administration itself of those medications. Increased management through supervisor's audit on site and to increase that audit frequency. 07/13/2023 Implemented
6400.167(b)Individual #1 is prescribed the birth control "Blisovi FE Tab 1/20 Take 1 tablet by mouth daily" which is packaged in a manner that denotes the day of the week each tablet is to be taken on and contains 28 tablets in four rows of seven tablets. At time of inspection on Wednesday, 7/13/23 the package in use had been filled on 6/15/23 and started on Sunday 6/18/23. There were six tablets remaining in the packet. The first row of tablets contained a tablet in the MON (6/19/23) blister and a tablet in the SAT (6/24/23) blister. The second row contained a tablet in the SUN (6/25/23) blister. The third row was empty and the fourth row contained three tablets in the THU, FRI and SAT blisters. The June 2023 MAR did not contain a notation that the medication was refused or not administered as prescribed and was initialed to indicate that the medication had been administered. Medication errors by omission occurred on 6/19/23, 6/24/23 and 6/25/23. There was no documentation of the error including follow-up action taken as required.Documentation of medication errors, follow-up action taken and the prescriber's response, if applicable, shall be kept in the individual's record.The agency has filed an EIM in the Commonwealth's HCSIS platform for this specific incident. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been re educated in the principals of proper medication administration and management through supervisor's audit on site and to increase that audit frequency. We have purchased an eHR that includes an e MAR. That system is due to begin on September 18, 2023. 08/20/2023 Implemented
6400.167(c)Individual #1 is prescribed the birth control "Blisovi FE Tab 1/20 Take 1 tablet by mouth daily" which is packaged in a manner that denotes the day of the week each tablet is to be taken on and contains 28 tablets in four rows of seven tablets. At time of inspection on Wednesday, 7/13/23 the package in use had been filled on 6/15/23 and started on Sunday 6/18/23. There were six tablets remaining in the packet. The first row of tablets contained a tablet in the MON (6/19/23) blister and a tablet in the SAT (6/24/23) blister. The second row contained a tablet in the SUN (6/25/23) blister. The third row was empty and the fourth row contained three tablets in the THU, FRI and SAT blisters. The June 2023 MAR did not contain a notation that the medication was refused or not administered as prescribed and was initialed to indicate that the medication had been administered. Medication errors by omission occurred on 6/19/23, 6/24/23 and 6/25/23. There was no documentation to support that the medication errors had been reported as required.A medication error shall be reported as an incident as specified in § 6400.18(b) (relating to incident report and investigation).The agency has filed an EIM in the Commonwealth's HCSIS platform for this specific incident. The agency conducted an investigation into the overall operations of the home, including the Director's role for oversight. The staff have been re educated in the principals of proper medication administration and management through supervisor's audit on site and to increase that audit frequency. We have purchased an eHR that includes an e MAR. That system is due to begin on September 18, 2023. 08/20/2023 Implemented
6400.186The Individual Support Plan (ISP) last updated on 7/10/23 for Individual #1 notes their supervision level to be "[Individual #1] is supervised at a 2:1 ratio at all times to ensure their health and safety. When [Individual #1] is in common areas of the home they needs to be within eye sight. When [Individual #1] is in their bedroom staff need to be within auditory range of them, and do 15 minute visual checks to maintain their safety. At the time of the incident on 7/10/23 a 2:1 ratio was not provided. Testimony of all staff supports that only Staff #10 was at the home. Further reports indicate that Staff #10 was asleep at the time Individual #1 eloped from the home and wandered near the traffic light. At the time of inspection on 7/12/23 at approximately 9:05am only one provider staff member was providing supervision to Individual #1. An additional provider staff member, Staff #4, did not arrive at the home until approximately 9:55am. The Behavior Support Plan (BSP) portion of the ISP for Individual #1 states that "The following strategies are being implemented to assist [Individual #1] in meeting their sensory needs/concerns: visual picture exchange communication system (pecs) schedule of sensory and fine motor/leisure activities for [Individual #1] to engage throughout their day when not at school; deep pressure protocol where deep pressure sensory input will be done with a brush and a massager to [Individual #1] arms/hands/back/legs; lotion massage; weighted vest protocol where staff will guide [Individual #1] arms into the arm holes of the vest; theraband to gain deep pressure into their arms/body; table activities and water play; and household activities where [Individual #1] will learn to engage in various household tasks." At the time of inspection on 7/12/23 Staff #2 and Staff #16 noted that there was no schedule of sensory and fine motor/leisure activities in use at the home, no proprioceptive activities, there was no deep pressure protocol or deep pressure being provided and there was no weighted vest protocol or weighted vest. The BSP further outlines that ABC charts, sleeve tying trackers and proprioceptive activity trackers should be kept. The trackers and charts were not completed as outlined in the BSP.The home shall implement the individual plan, including revisions.The agency has increased the frequency of Director's audits to include monitoring of staff in home clock in's and additional phone checks as another layer of staff counts and attendance. The agency has been discussing the needed edits in the ISP starting with the previous SC when Abby first came to the agency. We have sent previous emails and most recently an email for edits on 9/1/23. The agency has implemented email print outs and retention of ISP changes and updates to ensure proper care and up to date protocols are presented to the staff. The BSP was updated and corrected by the BSS, staff were trained as well in the BSP. 09/01/2023 Implemented
SIN-00201439 Renewal 04/12/2022 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.68(b)The hot water temperature in the home exceeded 120 degrees. The water temperature was 125 degrees. Hot water temperatures in bathtubs and showers may not exceed 120°F. Maintenance Staff lowered the water temperature to meet the regulatory requirement. 04/15/2022 Implemented
6400.110(e)The home consisted of three floors including a basement and attic. The smoke detectors in the home were not interconnected.If the home serves four or more individuals or if the home has three or more stories including the basement and attic, there shall be at least one smoke detector on each floor interconnected and audible throughout the home or an automatic fire alarm system that is audible throughout the home. The requirement for homes with three or more stories does not apply to homes licensed in accordance with this chapter prior to November 8, 1991. The system was replaced with new interconnected devices. Prior to this date we had run the system with no error. The system has been replaced entirely. 04/14/2022 Implemented