Inspection IDReason for InspectionInspection DateInspection Status 
SIN-00241646 Unannounced Monitoring 03/04/2024 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.16On 3/04/2024 at 4:18pm, upon departing the home, the front door to the home was slammed shut and Program Specialist #2 was heard yelling "This is why I put notes on all of the medications" and "You're all getting written up for this". Individual #1 and Individual #2 were both present in the living room upon departure of the home, were present during the incident.Abuse of an individual is prohibited. Abuse is an act or omission of an act that willfully deprives an individual of rights or human dignity or which may cause or causes actual physical injury or emotional harm to an individual, such as striking or kicking an individual; neglect; rape; sexual molestation, sexual exploitation or sexual harassment of an individual; sexual contact between a staff person and an individual; restraining an individual without following the requirements in this chapter; financial exploitation of an individual; humiliating an individual; or withholding regularly scheduled meals.Upon discovery of the incident, provider entered an incident in EIM for each of the individuals (9387163, 9387183) in order to commence an investigation for psychological abuse. 04/08/2024 Implemented
6400.66On 3/04/2024 at 3:52pm the front room, on the basement level of the home, did not have any lighting.Rooms, hallways, interior stairways, outside steps, outside doorways, porches, ramps and fire escapes shall be lighted to assure safety and to avoid accidents. On 4/16/2024 a new light fixture was installed by the maintenance team. 04/16/2024 Implemented
6400.70On 3/04/2024 the telephone located in the living room was not operable. The only other telephone in the home was located locked in the staff office not easily accessible to the individuals.A home shall have an operable, noncoin-operated telephone with an outside line that is easily accessible to individuals and staff persons. The phone located in the LR was in need of being charged due to the Individual utilizing it frequently and not replacing it. Provider recharged the phone on 3/4/ 2024 by placing the handset on the base. Provider also moved the second phone out of the staff office and into the dining room to make more accessible. 03/05/2024 Implemented
6400.101On 3/04/2024 there was a dead bolt lock on the basement side of the garage door, and a keypad and key lock on the inside of the garage, and no exit from the garage to the outside of the home.Stairways, halls, doorways, passageways and exits from rooms and from the building shall be unobstructed. Maintenance visited the home upon discovery of this violation on 3/4/24 and removed the lock creating access in and out of that area and eliminating any egress issues. 03/08/2024 Implemented
6400.110(e)On 3/04/2024 smoke detectors tested at 4:16pm, were not interconnected, and the home has three stories.If the home serves four or more individuals or if the home has three or more stories including the basement and attic, there shall be at least one smoke detector on each floor interconnected and audible throughout the home or an automatic fire alarm system that is audible throughout the home. The requirement for homes with three or more stories does not apply to homes licensed in accordance with this chapter prior to November 8, 1991. Maintenance visited the home on 3/4/2024 and ensured that the detectors on all 3 stories were interconnected. Following this, all drills were functioning properly and interconnected, 03/04/2024 Implemented
6400.18(b)(2)Individual #1 is prescribed Valacyclovir 500mg, this medication was last administered on 3/1/2024 at 8:00 AM. This medication was initialed as administered from 3/02/2024 through 3/04/2024 at 8:00 AM but had not been present in the home since 3/1/2024 due to not receiving a refill of the medication. As of 4/4/2024 this has not been reported through the Department's information management system.The home shall report the following incidents, alleged incidents and suspected incidents through the Department's information management system or on a form specified by the Department within 72 hours of discovery by a staff person: A medication error as specified in § 6400.166 (relating to medication errors), if the medication was ordered by a health care practitioner.Provider entered the incident into EIM (9400004) in order to report the error. 04/08/2024 Implemented
6400.163(h)On 3/04/2024 Individual #1's following medications in the home were expired: Ibuprofen expired 12/02/2023, Pain Reliever Plus expired December 2023, Acetaminophen expired February 2024.Prescription medications that are discontinued or expired shall be destroyed in a safe manner according to Federal and State statutes and regulations.Medications were removed from the home and brought into the AMP office to be destroyed. A medication disposal form was completed for each medication disposed. Medications were reordered on 3/4/2024 and received from the pharmacy on 3/5/204. 04/01/2024 Implemented
6400.166(a)(11)Individual #1's March 2024 medication administration record did not include a diagnosis or purpose for the following medications: Ferrous Sulfate 325mg, Valacyclovir 500mg, and Urea Lotion 40%. Individual #2's March 2024 medication administration record did not include a diagnosis or purpose for Trospium 20mg.A medication record shall be kept, including the following for each individual for whom a prescription medication is administered: Diagnosis or purpose for the medication, including pro re nata.The MAR was corrected with any missing information on 3/4/2024. Program Supervisor reached out to pharmacy to address the issue and ensure that the diagnosis is included on the MAR. Team Leads were retained on 4/1/2024 on proper procedure for reviewing MARs when they are received including all necessary items that must be documented on the MAR. 04/01/2024 Implemented
6400.166(a)(13)Direct Service Worker #1 administered Individual #1's 8:00am medications on 3/04/2024. Individual #1's March 2024 medication administration record did not include Direct Service Worker #1's name.A medication record shall be kept, including the following for each individual for whom a prescription medication is administered: Name and initials of the person administering the medication.Supervisor reached out to direct staff person and instructed them to sign the MAR upon arrival for shift that evening. 04/01/2024 Implemented
6400.166(a)(15)On 3/4/2024 Individual #2's March 2024 medication administration record did not include special precautions to crush medications. Individual #2's assessment completed 1/02/2024 states the individual prefers the medications to be crushed and administered with applesauce. Individual #2's individual support plan, last updated 3/01/2024, states the individual needs the medications crushed for administration and prefers to take them crushed in applesauce. On 3/08/2024 the agency received documentation from Individual #2's physician indicating that the individual's medications should be crushed and administered at their scheduled times.A medication record shall be kept, including the following for each individual for whom a prescription medication is administered: Special precautions, if applicable.Provider Supervisor reached out to medical providers that prescribe medications and requested that each order reflect that they are to be crushed so that this can be reflected on the MAR. Medical and Psychiatric providers are currently sending this documentation into the pharmacy so that this can be reflected on the MAR. 04/01/2024 Implemented
6400.167(a)(1)Individual #1 is prescribed Valacyclovir 500mg, this medication was last administered on 3/1/2024 at 8:00 AM. This medication was initialed as administered from 3/02/2024 through 3/04/2024 at 8:00 AM but had not been present in the home since 3/1/2024 due to not receiving a refill of the medication. As of 4/4/2024 this has not been reported through the Department's information management system.Medication errors include the following: Failure to administer a medication.Medication was received on 3/5/2024. There were no further omissions following the discovery of the omissions listed above. Program Specialist completed a medication audit on 3/5/2024 to ensure that all medications were present. 03/05/2024 Implemented
6400.182(c)Individual #1's assessment, completed 5/11/2023, states the individual is able to use and avoid poisons. Individual #1's individual support plan, last updated 2/12/2024, states the individual "requires line-of-sight supervision while cleaning products are out and being used. The individual requires verbal direction to use cleaning products correctly and safely".The individual plan shall be initially developed, revised annually and revised when an individual's needs change based upon a current assessment.Program Specialist updated the assessmentn4/1/24 to include " requires line of sight supervision while cleaning products are out and being used." 04/01/2024 Implemented
SIN-00204453 Renewal 04/26/2022 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.72(a)The screen in Individual #2's bedroom window is approximately two inches shorter than the size of the window.Windows, including windows in doors, shall be securely screened when windows or doors are open. New Screen was installed in window 5/1/2022. Screen fits frame securely. 05/01/2022 Implemented
6400.101There is a turn lock on the basement side of the door leading to the garage that would prevent egress from the garage when engaged. The garage does not have a man door.Stairways, halls, doorways, passageways and exits from rooms and from the building shall be unobstructed. Provider removed previous doorknob and replaced with a non-locking doorknob 4/29/2022. 04/29/2022 Implemented
6400.166(a)(4)Individual #1's April 2022 Medication Administration Record states, "Albuterol HFA 90MCG INH. The medication label states, "Proair HFA 108MCG."A medication record shall be kept, including the following for each individual for whom a prescription medication is administered: Name of medication.Medication Administration Record was corrected 4/29/2022 to match the medication label. Team Lead and Program Supervisor checked MAR to ensure that all medications matched labels. 04/29/2022 Implemented
6400.166(a)(5)Individual #1's April 2022 Medication Administration Record states, "Acetaminophen 650MG Arthritis Tab take two tablets (1,300MG) by mouth every eight hours as needed." The medication label states, "Acetaminophen 500MG Tablets take two tablets by mouth three times a day."A medication record shall be kept, including the following for each individual for whom a prescription medication is administered: Strength of medication.On 4/29/2020, Primary Care Physician was contacted to ensure that orders were up to date and clarify . Medication Administration Record was corrected by Program Supervisor on 4/29/2022 to match the correct medication label. 04/29/2020 Implemented
6400.166(a)(11)Individual #1's April 2022 Medication Administration Record does not include the purpose or diagnosis for Melatonin.A medication record shall be kept, including the following for each individual for whom a prescription medication is administered: Diagnosis or purpose for the medication, including pro re nata.Medication Record was corrected by Team Lead on 04/29/2020 to include purpose for Melatonin. Program Supervisor reviewed the record on 04/29/2020 to ensure accuracy. 04/29/2020 Implemented
SIN-00187409 Renewal 05/06/2021 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.32(d)The Office of Developmental Programs requires that staff who provide direct services wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth during the entirety of service provision. None of the staff persons were wearing masks while the individual(s) were present in the home on May 7, 2021. Failure to wear masks is undignified and disrespectful in that it creates a risk of transmitting the COVID-19 virus from staff to individuals.An individual shall be treated with dignity and respect.Provider will ensure that all staff working within individual homes are wearing masks at all times. Program Supervisor will provide retraining to all staff via email bulletin and ensure compliance through weekly unannounced in-person checks at all homes. 05/21/2021 Implemented
SIN-00171337 Renewal 02/06/2020 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.166(d)Benztropine 0.5 mg, take 1 tablet by mouth twice daily, prescribed for Individual #1 was not administered at 8:00AM on 2/4/2020.The directions of the prescriber shall be followed.Program Specialist has developed a weekly/monthly checklist for all 8a-4p house staff. This checklist includes a weekly check of medication to assess the following: amount of medication left in bubble pack and number of refills. Staff will report anytime there is less than 7 days worth of medication by contacting the pharmacist at Genoa Pharmacy via email and including Program Specialist. If there are no refills on a medication with less than 7 days, staff will immediately contact the prescribing doctor to request necessary refills. All AMP Home Care staff received medication refresher training in February/March to address/correct common problem areas relating to medication administration. This included how to properly read medication labels, assess when refills are needed and who to contact. [Documentation of aforementioned trainings shall be kept. At least monthly, a designated staff person certified to administer medications, shall audit all individuals' medications, physician's orders and medication administration record to ensure all individuals are administered medications as prescribed and documented as required. (DPOC by AES,HSLS on 3/20/20)] 03/16/2020 Implemented
SIN-00150844 Renewal 02/26/2019 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.70The home did not have an operable, noncoin-operated telephone with an outside line that is easily accessible to individuals and staff persons.A home shall have an operable, noncoin-operated telephone with an outside line that is easily accessible to individuals and staff persons. AMP Home Care has installed a landline in the home. The following emergency numbers are posted next to the phone- Fire, Ambulance, Police, Nearest Hospital and Poison Control. A photo will be attached to this plan of correction. Moving forward, AMP Home Care will ensure that all homes are compliant with chapter 6400.70 and have a non-coin operated telephone that is easily accessible to individuals and staff. Program Director will monitor compliance through utilization of new-site assessment tool and ongoing compliance through weekly house visits. educate the Program Director that when completing documentation and attesting that completion is 03/04/2019 Implemented
6400.83(a)The home did not have a refrigerator or cooking equipment. A home shall have a kitchen area with a refrigerator, sink, cooking equipment and cabinets for storage. AMP Home Care has purchased and installed a refrigerator and stove at the location. A photo of these items will be attached to this plan of correction. Moving forward in accordance with chapter 6400. 83 (a) AMP Home Care will ensure that each home has a kitchen area with a refrigerator, sink, cooking equipment and cabinets for storage. Program Director will monitor compliance through completion of new site assessments and will monitor on-going compliance through weekly house visits of existing sites. 03/04/2019 Implemented
6400.110(e)The home, which has three stories including the basement, did not have smoke detector that were interconnected and audible throughout the home or an automatic fire alarm system that is audible throughout the home.If the home serves four or more individuals or if the home has three or more stories including the basement and attic, there shall be at least one smoke detector on each floor interconnected and audible throughout the home or an automatic fire alarm system that is audible throughout the home. The requirement for homes with three or more stories does not apply to homes licensed in accordance with this chapter prior to November 8, 1991. On 3/4/19, AMP Home Care has purchased and installed 3 interconnected smoke detectors in the following locations : 1 detector in the basement, 1 detector on the main floor near the kitchen area and 1 detector in the basement. A photo of each detector will be attached to this plan of correction. Moving forward, in accordance with chapter 6400. 110 (e) any AMP Home Care dwelling with three stories will have interconnected smoke detectors on each floor. AMP homecare will monitor all detectors monthly through unannounced fire and safety checks. Program Director will ensure compliance with this regulation and monitoring moving forward. This will be documented on the self-assessment checklist utilized to assess new homes and though records of monthly fire and safety checks. 03/04/2019 Implemented