Inspection IDReason for InspectionInspection DateInspection Status 
SIN-00256016 Unannounced Monitoring 11/21/2024 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.144PRN as prescribed Famotidine 20mg tablet was not found with Individual #1's medications during the medication review.Health services, such as medical, nursing, pharmaceutical, dental, dietary and psychological services that are planned or prescribed for the individual shall be arranged for or provided. Provider Nurse reordered individual #1 medication Famotidine 20 mg PRN arriving on 11/22/24. 11/22/2024 Implemented
SIN-00222998 Renewal 04/17/2023 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.112(c)The records for fire drills held on 1/15/23 and 10/27/22 do not include evacuation times.A written fire drill record shall be kept of the date, time, the amount of time it took for evacuation, the exit route used, problems encountered and whether the fire alarm or smoke detector was operative. All Fire drills will be completed monthly in its entirety by staff on duty. 05/01/2023 Implemented
6400.141(c)(14)Individual #4''s annual physical dated 2/16/22 did not include information pertinent to diagnosis in case of an emergency.The physical examination shall include: Medical information pertinent to diagnosis and treatment in case of an emergency. A staff meeting and medication training were both conducted on May 10th in which all staff was informed that when escorting participants to any appointments, staff are to make sure that all forms are completed in its entirety with no lines left blank to prevent missing information such as the information pertinent to #4s diagnosis not documented on his physical. 05/10/2023 Implemented
6400.144The timeline for individual #4's care was difficult to ascertain from staff at SCALP. There were records in various places but no clear summary of his care since 1/24/23 when they were hospitalized at Roxborough Memorial. While it is somewhat clear that SCALP has been working with team members and hospital staff regarding the individual's care, it is unclear as to exact dates of service and reasons for those interventions. A document was provided to ODP licensing reps showing some of the information, however a clear picture of the entirety of this timeframe remains unfinished.Health services, such as medical, nursing, pharmaceutical, dental, dietary and psychological services that are planned or prescribed for the individual shall be arranged for or provided. All hospital records and treatment records will be easily accessible and condensed into 1 form. 04/18/2023 Implemented
6400.46(c)Staff #1 has not completed CPR/First Aid since starting on 8/5/22.Program specialists and direct service workers and at least one person in a vehicle while individuals are being transported by the home shall be trained before working with individuals in first aid techniques.Staff #1 was informed that his attendance to the scheduled CPR/First Aid course on 5/11/23 was mandatory in order to continue his employment with the agency. 05/11/2023 Implemented
SIN-00204796 Renewal 04/21/2022 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.21(a)The PA criminal history checks for Staff #5 and Staff #6 were submitted more than 5 working days after their date of hire.An application for a Pennsylvania criminal history record check shall be submitted to the State Police for prospective employes of the home who will have direct contact with individuals, including part-time and temporary staff persons who will have direct contact with individuals, within 5 working days after the person's date of hire. All prospective employee application(s) for a Pennsylvania criminal history record check will be submitted to the State Police within 5 working days of hire. 04/20/2022 Implemented
6400.62(d)There were hand soaps stored in the kitchen cabinet with a container of sugar.Poisonous materials shall be kept separate from food, food preparation surfaces and dining surfaces.All poisonous material will be kept separate from food, food preparation surfaces and dining surfaces. The hand soaps were moved immediately away from the container of sugar and placed in a bin, in the basement. 05/01/2022 Implemented
6400.64(e)There are trash cans over 18 inches tall in the backyard without lids.Trash receptacles over 18 inches high shall have lids. The trash cans that were in the backyard have been replaced with new heavy duty trash cans (doubling the old size of the old trash cans) with secured lids on them. 04/20/2022 Implemented
6400.44(c)(3)Staff #5 does not meet the education requirements to be the program specialist. They have 25 college credits. The minimum requirement is an associates degree or 60 college credits from an accredited college or university.A program specialist shall have one of the following groups of qualifications: An associate's degree or 60 credit hours from an accredited college or university and 4 years of work experience working directly with individuals with an intellectual disability or autism.Staff #5 was given a new position titled ¿Residential House Supervisor.¿ The qualifications consist of, minimum high school diploma/GED, with 5 or more years of experience in direct adult residential care. The responsibilities are catered to the level of experience possessed by Staff #5. Attached you¿ll find the new criteria and position of staff #5. 04/25/2022 Implemented
SIN-00163644 Renewal 07/23/2019 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.64(b)There was a deceased mouse found in the basement of this home on a glue trap that had not been removed.There may not be evidence of infestation of insects or rodents in the home. During staff meeting 8/4/19, night shift staff were informed to check around the entire facilities during their shift to check for any broken items, rodents, inoperable appliances etc. The house manager was informed to do the same assessments on a weekly basis to ensure staff has been doing their duties correctly. In addition pest control has been contracted to visit all sites monthly and as needed. 08/04/2019 Implemented
6400.141(c)(6)Individual #1 Annual Physical Examination states they had a chest x-ray on 6/13/19. The agency did not have the actual x-ray documentation on file.The physical examination shall include: Tuberculin skin testing by Mantoux method with negative results every 2 years for individuals 1 year of age or older; or, if tuberculin skin test is positive, an initial chest x-ray with results noted. Participant #1 physical examination was conducted on 6/13/19 but his chest x-ray was scheduled and completed on 6/27/19. The x-ray detail results were not picked up in a timely manner, therefore documentation wasn't in his chart. Temple was contacted on 7/26/19 and documents of chest x-ray were picked up and now in chart. a copy of results will be forwarded as requested. 07/26/2019 Implemented
6400.141(c)(13)Individual #1 Annual Physical Examination form did not have Allergies filled out it was left blank.The physical examination shall include: Allergies or contraindicated medications.An in-service staff meeting was conducted on 8/4/19 to address the issues and concerns of violations found during inspection. Staff was informed that, even though individual #1 does not have allergies, that portion of the form needs to be completed as well. All future physical forms allergy sections will be filled out. 08/04/2019 Implemented
Article X.1007SCALP is required to meet all requirements of Article X of the Public Welfare Code and of the applicable statutes, ordinances and regulations (62 P.S. § 1007) including criminal history checks and hiring policies for the hiring, retention and utilization of staff persons in accordance with the Older Adult Protective Services Act (OAPSA) (35 P.S. § 10225.101 -- 10225.5102) and its regulations (6 Pa. Code Ch. 15). Staff person #1 did not have a signed declination that they had lived in Pennsylvania for the past 2 consecutive years, and no FBI criminal history check was completed. Staff person #2 did not have a signed declination that they had lived in Pennsylvania for the past 2 consecutive years, and no FBI criminal history check was completed. Staff person #3 did not have a signed declination that they had lived in Pennsylvania for the past 2 consecutive years, and no FBI criminal history check was completed.When, after investigation, the department is satisfied that the applicant or applicants for a license are responsible persons, that the place to be used as a facility is suitable for the purpose, is appropriately equipped and that the applicant or applicants and the place to be used as a facility meet all the requirements of this act and of the applicable statutes, ordinances and regulations, it shall issue a license and shall keep a record thereof and of the application.Implemented on 10/14/19 all new hire packets have been updated with residency affidavit forms. All packets will be fully completed before staff is allowed to work with any participants. The program specialist will look over each staff members new hire packet to ensure that all documents are completed in its entirety. Staff members 1 & 2 have completed updated residency forms on file. 07/23/2019 Implemented
SIN-00131769 Renewal 04/27/2018 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.68(b)Hot water temperature was 123.4F. Hot water temperatures in bathtubs and showers may not exceed 120°F. As of 4/27/18 Hot water temperature is at 120F. and will be checked monthly. 04/27/2018 Implemented
6400.76(a)Individual#2's left bedroom window's blind was torn in 3 places. Furniture and equipment shall be nonhazardous, clean and sturdy. Individual #2's left bedroom window blind was replaced on 5/9/18 05/09/2018 Implemented
6400.77(b)A thermometer, and scissors were missing from the first aid kit. A first aid kit shall contain antiseptic, an assortment of adhesive bandages, sterile gauze pads, a thermometer, tweezers, tape, scissors and syrup of Ipecac, if an individual 4 years of age or younger, or an individual likely to ingest poisons, is served. A brand new first aid kit was purchased and has all thee essential items. The receipt will be presented as evidence of this correction. 06/20/2018 Implemented
6400.105Lent tray in the dryer was not cleaned out after use.Flammable and combustible supplies and equipment shall be utilized safely and stored away from heat sources. a check off list was created for all weekend staff to follow and examine the physical plant of the facility as well as its outside surroundings to ensure that there is no inside and/or outside debris amongst the residency. An example of the check off list will be forwarded as evidence. 05/05/2018 Implemented
6400.106Furnace inspection not completed at time of inspection. Furnace inspection was completed 5/2/18-document faxed to our office.Furnaces shall be inspected and cleaned at least annually by a professional furnace cleaning company. Written documentation of the inspection and cleaning shall be kept. All furnace will be checked for expiration dates and dates will be written on our company program planner to ensure that inspections of furnace is updated as required. This current furnace inspection was completed and already faxed over on 5/2/18. 05/02/2018 Implemented
6400.110(f)Individual #2 does not have a strobe detector in the bedroom. If one or more individuals or staff persons are not able to hear the smoke detector or fire alarm system, all smoke detectors and fire alarms shall be equipped so that each person with a hearing impairment will be alerted in the event of a fire. Individual #2 had a strobe detector placed in his room on 5/18/18. 05/18/2018 Implemented
6400.141(c)(6)Individual #1's last TB test was 12/2/15, no TB test found in the record for 2017.The physical examination shall include: Tuberculin skin testing by Mantoux method with negative results every 2 years for individuals 1 year of age or older; or, if tuberculin skin test is positive, an initial chest x-ray with results noted. Individual #1 TB test was conducted on 6/11/8 and got it read on 6/13/18. Results were negative for TB. All physicals will be completed in a timely manner and all fields will be filled in as required. 06/13/2018 Implemented
6400.141(c)(9)Individual#1 did not have a prostate exam completed.The physical examination shall include: A prostate examination for men 40 years of age or older. The program specialist contacted the urology clinic at Temple Hospital on 5/30/18 and arranged for individual # 1 to have a prostate exam. The prostate exam is scheduled for 8/10/18 @ 8:15am. All future prostate exams will be scheduled in a timely manner to meet chapter 6400 requirements. 05/30/2018 Implemented
6400.142(a)Individual #1 did not have a dental exam completed.An individual 17 years of age or younger shall have a dental examination performed by a licensed dentist semiannually. An individual 18 years of age or older shall have a dental examination performed by a licensed dentist annually. On 5/1/18 the program specialist contacted "Special Smiles" and a dental exam was scheduled and completed for individual #1 on 6/13/18. Dental form will be presented as evidence. 06/13/2018 Implemented
6400.181(a)Assessment completed 2/7/17, & 2/23/18-not within 1 year requirement. Each individual shall have an initial assessment within 1 year prior to or 60 calendar days after admission to the residential home and an updated assessment annually thereafter. The initial assessment must include an assessment of adaptive behavior and level of skills completed within 6 months prior to admission to the residential home. Assessments will be completed within the 1 year requirement and has been written on our annual program planner. 06/01/2018 Implemented
6400.181(e)(13)(ix)Assessment did not include Individual#1's progress and current level in the area of Community-integration.The assessment must include the following information: The individual's progress over the last 365 calendar days and current level in the following areas: Community-integration.individual #1's progress and current level of community integration has been implemented into his assessment and will be sent via email. All proceeding assessment will follow the proper protocol. 06/20/2018 Implemented
6400.181(e)(14)The assessment did not include Individual#1's ability to swim.The assessment must include the following information: The individual's progress over the last 365 calendar days and current level in the following areas: The individual's knowledge of water safety and ability to swim.Individual #1 annual assessment has been corrected and now includes his ability to swim. Document will be emailed as evidence. 06/20/2018 Implemented
6400.213(2)Individual#1's record did not contain an Unusual incident report in the record for an open incident Indivudal#3's record did not contain an Unusual incident report in the record for an open incidentEach individual's record must include the following information: Unusual incident reports relating to the individual. Unusual Incident reports will be hand written out in detail on all individuals conduct and placed in their charts. All employees will be trained and shown how to correctly document reports. Whichever staff does not attend training (5/5/18) will be shown individually how to complete reports by the program supervisor all staff will be knowledgeable before May 9th 2018. 05/05/2018 Implemented
SIN-00112281 Renewal 03/16/2017 Compliant - Finalized
RegulationLIS Non-Compliance AreaCorrection RequiredPlans of CorrectionCorrection DatePOC Status
6400.15(a)The self-inspection was not dated. The agency shall complete a self-assessment of each home the agency operates serving eight or fewer individuals, within 3 to 6 months prior to the expiration date of the agency¿s certificate of compliance, to measure and record compliance with this chapter. The agency will complete and date the self-assessment of each home for which we operate serving eight or fewer individuals, within the 3 to 6 month timeframe prior to the expiration date of our agency certificate of compliance. Moving forward, the agency will document and track the expiration date of our certificate of compliance so that future self-assessments can be completed and dated within the allotted time frame to stay in compliance with Chapter 6400.15(a). 05/22/2017 Implemented
6400.21(a)Staff #1 was hired on 11/6/16 and did not have a criminal background check completed. Staff #2 was hired on 9/5/16 and did not have a criminal background check until 9/29/16. Staff #3 was hired on 9/12/16 and did not have a criminal background check until 9/30/16. Staff #5 was hired on 9/7/16 and did not have a criminal background check until 9/21/16. Staff #7 was hired on 9/4/16 and did not have a criminal background check until 9/21/16.An application for a Pennsylvania criminal history record check shall be submitted to the State Police for prospective employes of the home who will have direct contact with individuals, including part-time and temporary staff persons who will have direct contact with individuals, within 5 working days after the person's date of hire. Months prior to the agency receiving their first individual, a number of employees had previously turned in their initial Criminal Background Check. Once the agency open with its first individual, those employees had to resubmit their criminal background checks, which ended up being dated after their date of hire. Moving forward, all new employees criminal background checks will be completed prior to their date of hire. 05/22/2017 Implemented
6400.33(e)There was a video camera in the living room of the home which recorded both audio and video. An individual has the right to privacy in bedrooms, bathrooms and during personal care. On 3/16/17, the video camera was removed to be in compliance with Chapter 6400.33(e). Moving forward, cameras will not be permitted to record audio and or video in any of our residential homes. 05/22/2017 Implemented
6400.141(c)(6)Individual #1's annual physical dated 3/15/17 did not indicate if a tuberculin test was completed. The physical examination shall include: Tuberculin skin testing by Mantoux method with negative results every 2 years for individuals 1 year of age or older; or, if tuberculin skin test is positive, an initial chest x-ray with results noted. On 3/15/17, the individual received a PPD shot in the right arm (intradermal). On 3/17/17, the individual returned to PCP to have site read. Results was normal. 05/22/2017 Implemented
6400.141(c)(10)Individual #1's annual physical dated 3/15/17 did not indicate whether or not they were free from communicable disease. The physical examination shall include: Specific precautions that must be taken if the individual has a communicable disease, to prevent spread of the disease to other individuals. On 3/17/17, the annual physical was returned to PCP to update whether or not the individual was free from communicable disease. The PCP checked off the yes box on the physical form. 05/22/2017 Implemented
6400.142(a)Individual #1 did not have a dental exam in their record. An individual 17 years of age or younger shall have a dental examination performed by a licensed dentist semiannually. An individual 18 years of age or older shall have a dental examination performed by a licensed dentist annually. A appointment was scheduled for the individual. On 4/5/17, the individual was seen by Dr. Jill Bresler of Special Touch. He had an initial exam with x-rays. A follow-up appointment is scheduled for 10/11/17 at 11:45am. All future appointments will be scheduled at the end of each visit. 05/22/2017 Implemented
6400.142(f)Individual #1 did not have a dental hygiene plan. An individual shall have a written plan for dental hygiene, unless the interdisciplinary team has documented in writing that the individual has achieved dental hygiene independence. A appointment was made for the individual to go to the dentist on 4/5/17. After being seen by the Dr. Jill Bresler, a written plan for dental hygiene was put into place which consist of the individuals current skill level for dental hygiene, recommendations and daily plan to achieve good dental hygiene. Moving forward, the dental hygiene plan will be updated as needed. 05/22/2017 Implemented
6400.151(c)(2)Staff #4 was hired on 1/28/17 and did not have a tuberculin test completed. The physical examination shall include: Tuberculin skin testing by Mantoux method with negative results every 2 years; or, if tuberculin skin test is positive, an initial chest x-ray with results noted. Tuberculin skin testing may be completed and certified in writing by a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse instead of a licensed physician, licensed physician's assistant or certified nurse practitioner. On 3/17/17 staff #4 brought in a copy of his tuberculin test that was given on 8/30/16 in (LFA) and was read on 9/2/16. Results of completed tuberculin test was negative. Moving forward, our agency will make sure that all parts of the physical examination form including the tuberculin test is completed prior to the staff start date. 05/22/2017 Implemented
6400.163(c)Individual #1 is currently prescribed pyschotropic medications and has not had any 3 month medication reviews. If a medication is prescribed to treat symptoms of a diagnosed psychiatric illness, there shall be a review with documentation by a licensed physician at least every 3 months that includes the reason for prescribing the medication, the need to continue the medication and the necessary dosage.A appointment was scheduled with a licensed physician for a 3 month psychotropic medication review. The review was completed by Dr. Yamdama from COMHAR on 5/2/2017 at 2pm. Moving forward, all appointments will be scheduled ahead of time at the end of each visit for the following review. 05/22/2017 Implemented
6400.181(a)Individual #1 did not have an assessment in his record. Each individual shall have an initial assessment within 1 year prior to or 60 calendar days after admission to the residential home and an updated assessment annually thereafter. The initial assessment must include an assessment of adaptive behavior and level of skills completed within 6 months prior to admission to the residential home. The Program Specialist will complete and back date the initial assessment to reflect 60 calendar days after admission to the residential home to be in compliance with Chapter 6400.181(a). The assessment will include an assessment of adaptive behavior and level of skills which was completed 6 months prior to admission. Moving forward, the Program specialist will complete all initial and annual assessments within 7 days of the date the assessment should be completed. (The date of the assessment will be the date it is conducted. No back dating will occur. Next annual assessment will be in line with the assessment from this one. ) 05/22/2017 Implemented
6400.186(a)Individual #1's record did not contain 90 day ISP reviews for the ISP dated 12/6/16. The program specialist shall complete an ISP review of the services and expected outcomes in the ISP specific to the residential home licensed under this chapter with the individual every 3 months or more frequently if the individual's needs change which impacts the services as specified in the current ISP. The Program Specialist will complete and back date the 90 day ISP reviews to be in compliance with the residential home licensed under Chapter 6400.186(a). Moving forward, the Program Specialist will complete all reviews within 7 days of the review date. (Moving forward items will not be back dated. New reviews will be completed in-line with the current annual ISP) 05/22/2017 Implemented
SIN-00243090 Renewal 04/17/2024 Compliant - Finalized
SIN-00186376 Renewal 04/20/2021 Compliant - Finalized
SIN-00077063 Initial review 04/14/2015 Compliant - Finalized