6400.151(a) | Direct Service Worker #1, date of hire 5/2/16, had a physical examination completed 1/6/15. | A staff person who comes into direct contact with the individuals or who prepares or serves food, for more than 5 days in a 6-month period, including temporary, substitute and volunteer staff, shall have a physical examination within 12 months prior to employment and every 2 years thereafter. | Staff person in question was a contracted employee of the agency who decided to terminate her contract and become a paid employee with the residential program. During the transfer between the programs her physical was in compliance for the one program however was then determined out of compliance for the residential program. Moving forward all employee's or transferring employees from another program in the agency will all complete the new hire orientation process again, which includes getting new clearances, physical and TB test. . The process will be monitored by the HR department and then send to the medical coordinator who will track it bi-annually to remain in compliance with regulations. [Immediately and at least quarterly for 1 year, a designee shall review all staff persons current physical examinations completion dates and tracking system to ensure timely completion of staff persons' physical examinations. Documentation of reviews shall be kept. (AS 6/20/17)] |
| Implemented |